SYNTHETIC, HORRIBLE FDA APPROVED MEDICATIONS that have side effects as : may cause drowsiness, do not drive or use heavy machinery, can cause dizziness, can cause hallucinations, can cause anxiety, can cause depression, can cause suicidal thoughts, can cause serious breathing problems, increases your chance of a heart attack, can cause severe headaches, may cause chest pains, may cause confusion, check your liver, kidneys and heart every 6 months to make sure things are working properly, can cause severe to fatal rash, can cause paranoia, call 911 immediately if...speak with your doctor right away if.......uuuuuuuum.... ALLLLLL REGULATED by the FDA, and these meds can be from heart health, to ADHD, to helping you POOP, to mental problems, to injuries...but these are not problems b/c it's FEDERALLY ok UcenterDress disney styled items of the wedding to wear 2018
but if you have a license for medical marijuana to help ELEVATE some of the side effects of those other drugs...and to get help, well medically, you're too incoherent/unsafe to own and operate a firearm?!
Marijuana has soooo many benefits and when you read the side of a bottle from a dispensary it doesn't have scary side effects as .... death, suicidal thoughts, etc. etc.
So next, they'll be taking alcohol awa....waaaait, no they won't...they have POWER and $$$
I can keep going, but ya get my point of where I stand.
If you have a gun or want to own one, LEARN and KNOW the safety rules.
Practice, get to know your gun, get to know how it feels when you utilize it.
Teach your kids safety from a VERY young age.
One of the things our children have been taught ... if you are ANYWHERE and you see a gun, immediately tell an adult.
Ugh ????
???? ...dropped