Throughout our lives we're going to gain scars in different ways, shapes and forms. Many of these scars will be on the outside, physical damage from an accident... or perhaps caused by somebody intentionally. You can of course keep the scars visible for stories... some exciting challenge you faced in life, or limitation you overcame. I was always told scars are tattoos with better stories :-) . Some you may keep them as a reminder of maybe not so happy an event... using it so as not to repeat the same mistake. Certain people will choose to have plastic surgery or another form of operation to cover these scars up as if they never happened. How about the scars you've gained on the inside, the emotional scars that have come from unkind words, being treated badly by somebody... or a traumatic event that affected your life? These are the hidden scars, the ones people don't see on the surface... therefore, not being recognized as a painful time in your life. Whether you decide to show them off, have them hidden surgically... or stuff them down deep inside emotionally, you really need to take solace in one redeeming factor... You are still here! You are still functioning! And whatever it was you came up against... you were strong enough to survive it! Do not look at this as a little thing, it is not something to be overlooked and not recognized for what it is. Hiding from them can keep you in a very dark place... this is not what you want! You want to look at your scars, understand how they came about, and use the fact that whatever it was that thought it could bring you down... it couldn't, and you beat it... becoming triumphant over it. Do not let scars from your past, either physical or emotional, stop you from the joy of today and this moment! James 1:2-4 says it beautifully, " Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything." We are told that we should take whatever adversities come against you and use the outcomes to make yourself stronger... building yourself up as warriors for God, having put faith and trust in Him to bring you through these times. Giving God the opportunity to use you in greater ways for His plans and purposes. And always remember, Never forget this one simple fact... you are stronger than you think you are! Never be ashamed of your scars, be proud of them...find the beauty in them. In many ways they helped develop who you are today... an "overcomer!" And last but not least, there's always one more thing you need to remember... Isaiah 41:10 tells us, "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand." Guess who gave you the strength to battle through those scars... coming out stronger on the other side? Remember, God is always with you... so take comfort in the knowledge that He knows all your scars... yet He loves you just as much now, as He always has! So take those beautiful scars, the strength gained, the victories won... using them all to do great things in God's name and for His glory