We are trying to make sure the public stays up to date on what is going on in Frankfort and how it affects everyone.
I’d like to take a few minutes to update you on what is going on with teachers and public employees in Kentucky and how this could impact everyone, not just us. Below is a list of things we are fighting against. This is primarily the passing of SB151 as an amended water waste bill in the 11th hour on Thursday night which in turn caused many districts to participate in a sick out on Friday March 30th and the current proposed budget. Our plan is to demand transparency and respect. We want public education to succeed because we believe in our schools and our teachers. We love our students and we want to be in school. We’d love your support. maternity of the wedding
*HB151 leaves new teachers out to dry, requires them to work to 65 with no defined benefit and no inviolable contract. It also places new hires into a hybrid pension plan that does not fund the current pension plan. OUR PENSION IS ALL WE HAVE!!! We are not eligible for social security and we pay nearly 13% if every paycheck into our pension with the promise of a return when we retire. I’ve never missed a payment but our government has, and they’ve also taken funds over the years that were never returned! We need REVENUE to fully fund the pension system!! Revenue is not being considered, only budget cuts and other reforms.
*The budget bill raises the taxable pension limit while taking away deductions our retirees count on, meaning they are still paying more than they can afford.
*Capping the amount of sick days that can be factored into retirement unfairly punishes a field dominated by women who do not receive maternity leave and have to use sick days for pre/post natal care and delivery/recovery.
*The proposed tax structure/reform creates a larger burden on the lower and middle class Kentuckians while giving large tax breaks to our wealthiest citizens.
*6.25% cut to public preschool and higher education are detrimental to our state. Early intervention is key to helping students develop skills necessary to succeed and soaring tuition costs are going to make college less accessible for many of our students who have earned the right to go and can’t afford to.
*Cuts to education spending combined with the rising actuarial contributions of counties and cities are going to force many layoffs and closings to school, city and county employees. Fayette Co. is slated to lose 304 teachers, and we will see similar results in other districts as well as public libraries, health departments, and other city and county services.
* The House funded the dependent subsidy for retiree insurance, but the Senate did not. This needs to be addressed when they reconvene and discuss SB 197 Floor Amendment 1. Retirees with dependents will not be able to afford their insurance if this isn’t funded.
*public education funds being given to charter schools as tuition reimbursement or vouchers (please know that charter schools are not free, not only will you pay tuition but they will take necessary funding away from public schools)
I realize this is a long list and it doesn’t even cover every issue we have. This list is important to me as a school counselor and also as a proud parent of public school student. I hope you can support us in our fight to save our pension and public education. With this support please know that there is the POTENTIAL of a statewide outage of every school district in Kentucky on Friday, April 13, as we march on Frankfort again. Your support is appreciated more than you know! REMEMBER TO WEAR RED FOR PUBLIC ED! # 120Strong