This has got to stop. I’m currently working on an idea now that will take about a week to pump out. I really, really, really hope that the LTFRB will support it. But in the meantime, while that’s cooking, I plead with the drivers who are taking advantage of the situation, don’t be so short sighted. Don’t ruin it for those who are trying to do the right thing. I promise to make it worth your while if you do. I just need to you to be patient and compassionate right now.
Edit: This is not meant to be a hate post. That's why I blocked out the drivers name and picture. I'm just using this as an example of the hundreds of similar ones that flood my inbox everyday. So lets not focus on this particular case but the situation as a whole. Many people have said that 2x rates are allowed if its outside the metro area, and I see their point, but the whole point of this app based ride sharing is to remove the negotiations and allow the app to do its job. That's what needs to happen. But we need to find a realistic pricing point where it does. That’s what I’m working on now.