Partisans and comrades, prepare for direct action during military parade. Hippies, yippies, peaceniks, U.U. and you you you'se, dykes and fags and bis' and breeders and those who don't do nothing at all. All you followers and all you leaders and those who do not heed the call. Fence sitters and moderates and casual racists and hardcore straight-edges, neighbors over hedges, grumpy old men with ragged wedges. Scientists and skeptics, achy backed dyspeptics, yogis, bogies and old fogeys. tight homecoming dresses
Spastic artists and slow writers, the dumbest, the smartest, the snow biters, the gear heads, deadheads, and those who can't get out of beds. obdurates, progressives, stormin' Mormons, lesbry Presbies, sky godders and dirt worshippers .. Prepare for direct action.
The battle is enjoined.
We will be ready for the tanks.
The Donald went to France and admired their military pomp.
He went to France and his 'take-away' was French military might.
We got this.
He wants one too.
He knows nothing of history and has no sense of the future but he will be made aware of the present.