I could spend hours dissecting you. So I could say you weren't worth my time.
I could listen to the same songs you sang to me to help me go to sleep. So I could.feel.you again. Even if it was only just enough to fill me with pain.
I could grow bitter with each breathe because we are not where you promised we would be.
I could scream at you for all the hallow rooms I waited in, for not telling you just how much of a crinkled piece of something I felt I was--thrown haphazardly in your pile of waste. wedding
I could replay the moments that led me to feeling non existently consumed with hope that we'd just continue to grow closer and not further.
I could try to calculate the exact moment of this demise so I could trade those.steps for something else.
But instead. I will live, because someday you will just be a distant thought and just another tough lesson learned.