Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo
Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico

Cabo Rojo, Capital del Turismo Interno. Bienvenidos


Escudo de Cabo Rojo


Here are the how could you say you love me lyrics to music published in the Church magazine for youth as a companion to "Oh My Father".

"Our Mother in Heaven"

Oh my Mother, thou that dwellest In thy mansions up on high, ...
oft me-thinks I still remember When you bade your child good-by;
How you clasped me to your bosom, Bade me a true son to be,
E're I left my Father's mansion, To dwell in mortality.
How you gave me words of counsel To guide aright my straying feet;
How you taught by true example All of Father's laws to keep;
While I strive in this probation How to learn the gospel truth,
May I merit your approval As I did in early youth.
'Tis recorded in your journal, How you stood by Father's side,
When by pow'rs that are eternal Thou wast sealed His Goddess bride; How by love and truth and virtue E'en in time thou did'st become
Through your high exalted station Mother of the souls of men.
When of evil I've repented And my work on earth is done,
Kindest Father, loving Mother, Pray forgive your erring son.
When my pilgrimage is ended, And the victor's wreath I've won,
Mother, to your bosom Will you welcome home your son?
Dearest Mother, to your bosom, Will you welcome home your son?

By Wm. C. Harrison

An amazing hymn and we say we don't know anything about her. I would change a few things like her being an example of keeping all of Father's laws. Nothing wrong with that but She was Coframer of those laws and the plan of salvation as Elder Ballard says, "we are part of a divine plan designed by Heavenly Parents who love us".

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         Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo Calle Betances #28 Cabo Rojo, P.R.   Tel. 787-851-1025   [email protected]
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