Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo
Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico

Cabo Rojo, Capital del Turismo Interno. Bienvenidos


Escudo de Cabo Rojo we are going to REWIND....back to econ101.. and the idea of "OPPORTUNITY COST"...

I hear A LOT from people how the $99 cost to start your own business is a lot... And I get it-- BELIEVE ME- I do!!

BUUUUTTTT.. ALL I can think of when I hear this is OPPORTUNITY COST.... When you forego THIS OPPORTUNITY for something else--- ANYTHING ELSE-- you name it... A 2️⃣nd job, how to make wrapped candies in candy crush crush, random Facebook stalking-- I MEAN scrolling....(random "Facebook SCROLLING" ) ...wh...atever ELSE it is that you would otherwise occupy your time with...

Do you KNOW how much those "other activities" are costing you when you COULD be working this business??? SERIOUSLY--!!!! Check out the chart below!! 🏻🏻)

You all KNOW I am no one special-- I am a dorky accountant 🤓 that thinks about opportunity cost in her spare time while driving !) I'm NOT a sleazy, sly salesperson (nor do I want you 🏻to be!); I am NOT an expert health professional; I am NOT a killer public speaker/presenter (believe me- if you've ever heard me- You'd know!)... and BY NO MEANS am I ever "bored" or looking for something to do, a hobby-- I'm busy (JUST LIKE YOU!) always on the go, running, doing ...and chasing kids (aren't we always, moms?)!
Anyways, the point of my little life story here is that IT SCARES ME TO THINK what I would have missed out on if I had NOT thrown caution (and logic!) to the wind 2️⃣short years ago to try this CrAzY wrap business....!!! It SCARES ME FOR YOU... to think what you could be missing out on, too... Every day that you let pass you buy "wondering," waiting for "the right time" is a day you are foregoing the benefit of this OTHER amazing little thing I like to call 💥RESIDUAL INCOME💥... (We'll talk about THAT ONE in another post- haha!) me a favor--- if you're wondering ... If you're waiting.... DO US BOTH A FAVOR... Give me a call; let's set a date to chat... And let me answer all of your questions and help you get your head around this crazy business so either 1️⃣you can feel confident and comfortable in your decision to say "no, not for me"...Or 2️⃣you can get ready and excited WITH ME to take a chance, make a CHANGE... And START MAKING SOME INCREDIBLE RESIDUAL INCOME WITH ME!!!!

The choice is yours- I'm just here to help
Your dorky (but caring!) 🤓 friend

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Jessie Prodehl's photo.



         Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo Calle Betances #28 Cabo Rojo, P.R.   Tel. 787-851-1025   [email protected]
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