Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo
Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico

Cabo Rojo, Capital del Turismo Interno. Bienvenidos


Escudo de Cabo Rojo


I feel this poem is ONLY true for the people who catch feelings. sex poems is subjective and we all don't experience it alike. Having sex with someone isn't a magic love potion to a lot of people. Sometimes sex is just sex. Stop overhyping sex as a "soul bonding." We all experience sex differently. Not everyone clings to their sexual partner as you would think. Broaden your perspective.

"I thought I knew everything there was to know about having safe sex..." Check out more awesome BuzzFeedYellow videos!…



         Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo Calle Betances #28 Cabo Rojo, P.R.   Tel. 787-851-1025   [email protected]
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